Title: Into Your World Genre: Angst, Romance, Angel & Snow White AU Pairing: Kris/OC Other Characters: some INFINITE and EXO members, OC. Word Count: 1423
Title: Into Your World Genre: Angst, Romance, Angel & Snow White AU Pairing: Kris/OC Other Characters: some INFINITE and EXO members, OC. Word Count: 2384 A/N: Used the Julian Calendar. You'll know what i'm talking about when you read this chapter. EHEHEHEHE
Title: Into Your World Genre: Angst, Romance, Angel & Snow White AU Pairing: Kris/OC Other Characters: some INFINITE and EXO members, OC. Word Count: 2229
Title: Into Your World Genre: Angst, Romance, Angel & Snow White AU Pairing: Kris/OC Other Characters: some INFINITE and EXO members, OC. Word Count: 924
Title: Into Your World Genre: Angst, Romance, Angel & Snow White AU Pairing: Kris/OC Other Characters: some INFINITE and EXO members, OC. Word Count: 2354
Title: Into Your World Genre: Angst, Romance, Angel & Snow White AU Pairing: Kris/OC Other Characters: some INFINITE and EXO members, OC. Word Count: 1299
Title: Into Your World Genre: Angst, Romance, Angel AU Pairing: Kris/OC Other Characters: some INFINITE & EXO members, OC. Word Count: 329 ( It was time. )
Prompt: Beginning Pairing: Kris/OC Rating: G Word Count: 462 Genre: what I think is romance. A/N: This was rushed. Definitely. My brain is completly fried.